6th European Conference on Clinical Research “Clinical Trials in a New Era”


Place: Hotel RIU Plaza España, Madrid, Spain

Irene Schlünder, Legal Expert at BBMRI-ERIC, participates in a panel discussion at the 6th European Conference on Clinical Research “Clinical Trials in a New Era”, organized by the European CRO Federation in Madrid, Spain (hybrid format, partially online)

The conference focuses on evolution of clinical research after the Covid-19 pandemic, the main changes in the new era, the new opportunities and challenges to overcome.

A session of the conference is dedicated to breaking news for clinical research, in particular on “GDPR Code of Conduct: Good Data Processing. Practice for Service Providers in Clinical Research”: the session explores the different codes of conduct elaborated on so far, which aim for harmonization of GDPR rules in Europe. Yoani Matsakis, from Telemedicine Technologies, EUCROF, France, together with Kate Smirnova, from PSI CRO AG, Switzerland present the EUCROF code and have a dialogue with different experts that focus on complementarity among different codes and the benefits of this instrument for connecting the patients, biobanks and researchers.

Among the experts there will be Irene Schlünder from BBMRI-ERIC, Dimitrios Athanasiou from EURORDIS and the European Patient Forum Greece; Brendan Barnes from EFPIA, and Vivienne van de Walle from SCRS.

Further details here: https://eucrof-conference.eu/ and programme here https://eucrof-conference.eu/file.php?id=33
